Medical Hypnosis Effectiveness Study

Medical Hypnosis Effectiveness Study.

I always like to search the web for interesting articles on Hypnotherapy and found this one recently. This article speaks to my own experience with clients who have been able to make remarkable changes in their life through the use of hypnotherapy. The hypnotic trance state seems to literally open the mind to perceptual shifts. This openness can create a path for new ways of thinking and perceiving. Read the following article below to get a deeper understanding of this fascinating process.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013 by: Mike Bundrant

Chiara Marripodi, recently provided me some very interesting data on the effectiveness of hypnosis, as follows. It’s fascinating to consider the healing properties of what so many consider hocus pocus! The validity of therapeutic hypnosis as a complementary modality is becoming recognized, as studies prove brainwave activity changes with hypnotic depth. As we move from the high-energy beta wave state to the slower theta waves, we experience perceptual and physiological changes; for example our eyes flutter, breathing is more rhythmic, the body is relaxed and time is distorted. Interestingly, children and animals tend to reside in the alpha/theta waves, thus are more intuitive and emotional. According to Crawford, a prominent researcher in the hypnotic field, different parts of the brain are activated during hypnosis – some increasing from 13%-28%. Preliminary results also suggest the reward pathway in the brain involving dopamine is stimulated. In fact, research using fMRI shows that hypnosis requires more mental effort, hence individuals are in a heightened state of awareness. Read the rest of the article at: